Player Profiles
Get to know some of the former and current athletes from our Elite Training Program!
Emma Tetford
Height: 5'8
Spike Touch: 8'10
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: Ascension Collegiate, CBN Volleyball Club, Sea-Hawks Volleyball Club, Team NL
Memorable Volleyball Moments: - Too many to choose just one or two!
Other Sports: Hockey, Soccer, Swimming
Hobbies: Hiking, Kayaking
Training Program Participation: Four stages, from 2019-2021
Favorite aspects of the Training Program: Yoga and Strength Training
If you could leave one piece of advice to future athletes, what would it be? - Sleep well and eat well!
Emma represented her province at the Eastern Elite Championships with team NL for two summers. She attended the Volleyball Canada Nationals in Edmonton with the Sea-Hawks Club, was the captain of her local CBN age-level club team, as well as the Ascension Collegiate team this past year, which placed second at the School Sports Sectional tournament, in which Emma received the sportsmanship award.
Since the Sky High Performance Training Program began in the Fall of 2019, Emma has been exceptionally committed to her training program, and has been a role model to younger athletes. Thank you for your outstanding display of commitment and leadership! Although we are sorry to see you move on, we wish you the very best in your future endeavors, Emma!
Height: 5'8
Spike Touch: 8'11
Position: Setter
Volleyball Teams: St. Peter's Saints, CBN Volleyball Club, Ascension Collegiate, Team NL
Other Sports: Soccer, Hockey
Hobbies: Running, Hiking
Training Program Participation: Recently completed Stage II
Favorite aspects of the training program: Strength Training and Ladder Training.
Advice for younger athletes: Learn to love practice more than you love the game; without practice, the game means nothing!
Demonstrating outstanding athleticism and leadership, Kiera is well prepared to lead her volleyball programs over the next two years. Entering her first summer with the Team NL program, she is determined to do what it takes to excel. One of the most motivated members of the training program, she sets a prime example for work ethic, positivity, and commitment. When the Volleyball Canada Nationals resume, hopefully in 2022, Kiera will be leading the Sky High Performance Training Program's first appearance at the tournament. As she runs the offense with her setting expertise and tactical strategy, we are excited to see all our local volleyball programs continue to build around Kiera's example!
Height: 6'2
Spike Touch: 9'8
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: Amalgamated Academy Jaguars, CBN Volleyball Club, Ascension Collegiate, Team NL
Other Sports: Softball
Hobbies: Fishing and PS4
Training Program Participation: Recently completed Stage II
Favorite aspects of the training program: Strength Training and Ladder Training.
Advice for younger athletes: Enjoy the training/process and the results will come anyway!
Entering his third Summer with the Team NL Program, Nathan is prepared to use his Elite experience to take his High School and Club teams on his shoulders. One of the hardest-hitting athletes in the province, Nathan can attack the ball from anywhere on the court. After significant effort with his ladder training that resulted in drastic increases in foot speed, his passing and defense are ready to control his teams' offensive and defensive tactics as well. His laser-focused float serve is a challenge to every team's serve reception. Despite Nathan's extreme athletic intensity and leadership, his work ethic and team-focused sportsmanship are the attributes that will lead Ascension Collegiate to another competitive year of banner-chasing.
Height: 5'6
Spike Touch: 8'8
Position: Setter/Right Side
Volleyball Teams: Holy Redeemer Rockets, CBN Volleyball Club
Other Sports: Soccer, Swimming, Baseball, Softball, Badminton, Cross Country
Hobbies: Camping, Kayaking, Walking
Training Program Participation: Stage VI
Favorite aspects of the training program: Strength Training and Jump Training.
Advice for younger athletes: Be Confident!
Having started the Elite training program in the Winter of grade 8, Jayla is now entering her High School years with a wealth of athletic experience and a strong Growth Mindset. A key player in the development of a 6-2 offensive system she and her teammates implemented in this Summer's ladies' league, Jayla is well prepared to help lead her teams' offensive systems. With great setter's hands, quick feet, and a tough deep float serve, she is developing an understanding of the importance of strategy and game tactics. After a knee injury earlier this Spring forced her into a hiatus from her training and court time, she came back as strong as ever. Whether she's setting or attacking (or both!), Jayla looks to be a key player with her High School and Club teams this upcoming season.
Height: 5'8
Spike Touch: 8'8
Position: Middle
Volleyball Teams: Holy Redeemer Rockets, CBN Volleyball Club
Other Sports: Baseball, Softball, Cross Country
Hobbies: Camping, Kayaking, Walking
Training Program Participation: Entering Stage VI
Favorite aspects of the training program: Strength Training and Jump Training.
Advice for younger athletes: Always keep a positive attitude!
Brooke is without a doubt our most improved player over the past two seasons. Thanks to her commitment and very hard work, she is beginning to establish herself as a dominant middle blocker. Having started the Elite Training Program in Grade 8 with her Holy Redeemer teammate Jayla, she epitomizes a Growth Mindset, demonstrating clearly what can happen when you set goals and work towards them. With long-reaching blocking arms, an increasingly fast attack, and an intense float serve, Brooke brings many critical technical and tactical skills to the program. At the current rate of progress, Brooke will be an offensive force to be reckoned with throughout her High School years!
Height: 5'8
Spike Touch: 9'5
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: St. Peter's Saints, Whitby Shores Public School (Ontario), CBN Volleyball Club, Ascension Collegiate Astros, Team NL
Other Sports: Hockey, Track, Softball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Cross-Country
Training Program Participation: Entering Stage III
Favorite aspects of the training program: Strength Training and Jump Training.
Advice for younger athletes: Volleyball is a game of mistakes, shake it off and get ready for the next play. Don't sweat the small stuff!
The epitome of elite athleticism, Carrie is a well-rounded player with a dominant presence in the front row. Thanks to a willing transition from Middle to Left Side during this past school season, her controlled passing and defense is a welcome compliment to her offensive prowess and her consistently precise float serve. After her first involvement with Team NL this past Summer, Carrie brings a wealth of experience to her school and club teams. Having been through two training programs, she demonstrates incredible commitment and work ethic, and is a role model for younger athletes, particularly with her quiet, steady, lead-by-example influence. Carrie continues to raise the bar for herself and those around her. Our local programs will reap the benefits of her leadership for the next two years, and undoubtedly for years to come!
Height: 5'7
Spike Touch: 8'1
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: St. Francis Crusaders, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Other Sports: Hockey, Soccer, Rowing
Hobbies: Piano
Training Program Participation: Entering Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Jump Training.
Advice for younger athletes: Take advantage of every opportunity you can, and never give up!
Lauryn is a key contributor to a growing volleyball culture at Carbonear Collegiate. Having recently adjusted from the Middle Position to the Left Side, she is developing incredible consistency and control, both defensively and offensively. With the help of match experience from this past Summer's Ladies League, it is clear that Lauryn has plenty to offer our programs, as volleyball spreads throughout the CBN region. Her commitment and work ethic are solid compliments to her natural athletic ability and her desire for improvement. She has been asked to make many technical and tactical adjustments this past year, and has exceeded expectations. As she continues to develop strength and confidence on the left side, Lauryn promises to be a key factor in our plans for Edmonton 2022!
Height: 5'8
Spike Touch: 8'10
Position: Middle
Volleyball Teams: St. Peter's Saints, CBN Volleyball Club, Ascension Collegiate
Other Sports: Hockey
Hobbies: Hiking, Kayaking
Training Program Participation: Entering Stage III
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training.
Advice for younger athletes: You have to be willing to fail to improve!
What can be said about Grace that isn't summed up in the fact that she increased her spike vertical by 6 inches in a 10-week training program?!?! Gifted with a high, aggressive armswing, once she found her jump height, Grace took off offensively this past year. Working with the setters on a speedy middle attack, the possibilities are opening up for incredible opportunities, as she sets the pace for her team's offense. Add to that a consistent, deep float serve and continually developing passing and defense skills, Grace looks to challenge her school and club teammates to raise the bar in whatever position they play. Her commitment to improvement and her work ethic in training are sure to contribute to the high-performance culture that is developing in the CBN area!
Height: 5'2
Spike Touch: 7'10
Position: Libero/Setter
Volleyball Teams: St. Peter's Saints, CBN Volleyball Club, Ascension Collegiate
Other Sports: Baseball
Hobbies: Piano
Training Program Participation: Stage III
Favorite aspect of the training program: Ladder Training.
Advice for younger athletes: Don't stop until you find your limits!
Small in stature, big in determination and work ethic, Caitlyn has the ability and athleticism to fill numerous roles in her volleyball programs. Primarily a libero, she's quick-footed and precise with her passing and defense. As she gains confidence, Caitlyn is learning to control the back row in the same manner a setter controls the front row. With strong hands and incredible court awareness, she also plays a critical role as a setter when needed for training purposes. When not running the serve reception and defense, she also has potential as a serving specialist, with an aggressive and consistent float serve. Flying through her ladder training, she raises the bar for her teammates when it comes to foot speed and court movement, but also with her commitment, leadership, and team-oriented attitude...attributes that are most critical to any sports program!
Height: 5'6
Spike Touch: 8'4
Position: Libero/Right Side
Volleyball Teams: St. Francis Crusaders, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Other Sports: Hockey, Soccer, Cross-Country, Ball Hockey
Hobbies: Hiking
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength training and ladder training
Advice for younger athletes: Practice/training at home is where you develop as an athlete and a player. Training outside of your team practices is where you get one step ahead of all other athletes, and is critical to see improvement in your game.
Gifted with incredible natural athleticism, Maggie's court presence clearly stands out. Primarily a libero, she has an outstanding ability to read and react defensively to almost any play attempted by the opposition. Her serve reception precision and consistency are critical to kick-starting the offense for her team. However, being the only southpaw in the program, Maggie has a unique role as a Right Side attacker as well. As we iron out our offensive systems, she is gaining confidence in her attack from the right side, when her team is running a 5-1 system. In her training program, Maggie pushes herself and her teammates to continually raise the bar on dedication and work ethic. As she balances numerous commitments, particularly her busy hockey schedule, Maggie is an inspiration to those who aspire to multi-sport elite athletic involvement!
Serena Squires
Height: 5'4
Spike Touch: 8'3
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: St. Francis Crusaders, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Other Sports: Hockey, Running, Dance, Cheer, Ball Hockey
Hobbies: Hiking, Cooking
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength training
Advice for younger athletes: Instead of thinking your challenges are setbacks, think of them as your goals. And be sure to always look for the positives in the negatives!
Challenge to all of Serena's teammates: Try to keep up with her pace for one night of training. Good luck! When Serena gets to training sessions, she puts her head down and gets straight to work. Her determination is second-to-none, and the benefits are seriously starting to pay off on the court. As her serve and attack develop strength as a result of her commitment to improvement, Serena's confidence is following suit. She's also developing consistency with her transition footwork in the left side position. As the Winter approaches, we will look to Serena to continually raise the bar for herself and her teammates, and we're excited to see where it takes the entire program!
Hailey Snow
Height: 5'4
Spike Touch: 8'2
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: St. Francis Crusaders, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Other Sports: Cross-Country, Soccer
Hobbies: Guitar
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspects of the training program: Strength Training and Ladder Training
Advice for younger athletes: Don't worry about lost points, just focus on the next play!
What Hailey lacks in size, she makes up for in court awareness, and of course hard work. She was determined this Fall to increase her attack efficiency, and her ability to do so is the epitome of the goal-setting process that this program promotes. Perhaps Hailey's greatest attribute however, is her ability to analyze the game tactically, ensuring that she and her teammates understand the systems being learned. She's almost always the first one to ask for clarification on any tactical decision or strategy being presented. Already one of the most consistent passers in the program, her serve is gaining consistency and her attack is increasing in efficiency, proving Hailey to be a critical piece of the program's growth moving forward!
Halle Stagg
Height: 5'10
Spike Touch: 8'8
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: Holy Redeemer Rockets, Ascension Collegiate Astros
Other Sports: Swimming, Badminton, Softball, Baseball, Competitive Dance
Hobbies: Piano, Art
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: As important as it is to grow and become stronger with your teammates, it is just as important to grow stronger as an individual athlete!
If there's a ball heading off the court, Halle is doing whatever it takes to bring it back in play. Plain and simple. With incredible determination in practices, matches, and her training program, she has done about two years of work in the past 3 months. In her first year in the program, Halle has made tremendous strides in her development as an athlete, and much of her progress boils down to mindset. With a few weeks still left in the Fall program, she's looking to add to the four inches she's already increased in her attack vertical! Her deep float serve is one of the most effective serves in the program, and it provides an incredible challenge and opportunity for growth for the team's serve reception, in our practice settings. As she continues to increase her foot speed and attack effectiveness, it is clear that the future is in good hands, with Halle looking after things on the left side!
Ainsley Hicks
Height: 5'7
Spike Touch: 8'10
Position: Middle
Volleyball Teams: St. Peter's Saints, Ascension Collegiate Astros
Other Sports: Cheer, Dance
Hobbies: Hiking
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: Don't get discouraged if you don't succeed at first. Success comes from commitment and practice!
In her first year of High School, Ainsley is starting to dig in to her volleyball potential. Starting off the season with a great showing at our Summer Pre-season camp, and deciding to commit to the Middle position, things have started taking shape since then. Her cue-reading as a blocker is one of her greatest assets, and as she increases her foot speed and vertical, there is no doubt that Ainsley's ceiling is as high as anyone in the program. Committed to pushing herself in training, the strength and speed she's gaining will be critical in setting the tone for a fast offense over the next couple seasons. The future is bright for our local Volleyball programs, with athletes like Ainsley leading the way!
Kiera Haynes
Height: 5'3
Spike Touch: 8'2
Position: Setter/Libero
Volleyball Teams: St. Francis Crusaders, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Other Sports: Rowing, Soccer, Hockey, Ball Hockey
Hobbies: Hiking
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training, Ladder Training
Advice for younger athletes: Reaching your goals is always a possibility, it's up to you to prevent it or allow it to happen.
Along with her Carbonear Collegiate teammates, Kiera's commitment to her practice and training regime is critical to the program's success. With an abundance of setting prospects in the system, Kiera has recently demonstrated versatility in the back row as well. Quick on defense and consistent on serve reception, she is developing confidence and stability in her role as a training libero. Most importantly however, Kiera is that teammate that everyone can rely on for support and positivity, particularly in challenging situations. As the training intensifies into the Winter club season, Kiera's commitment and support of her teammates will be critical in keeping us grounded and positive!
Summer Mercer
Height: 5'1
Spike Touch: 7'10
Position: Left Side
Volleyball Teams: Amalgamated Jaguars
Other Sports: Cheer
Hobbies: Art
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Ladder Training
Former Blue Jays' Pitcher Marcus Stroman: HDMH - "Height Doesn't Measure Heart." Summer Mercer is the epitome of this concept. Leading the next generation of Sky athletes, Summer and two other grade eight student athletes are on their way to building a foundation that is sure to impact the local volleyball culture for the next several years. With a balance of unparalleled commitment and passion for the sport, Summer has proven that showing up and putting in the work really does pay off. Mercer's deceptively deep float serve will be fun to watch as we approach the competitive portion of the season. Add a set of quick feet, a steady passing platform, and an aggressive approach, and the result is an exciting young talent that's prepared to help her team learn the tactical foundations of the sport. More importantly perhaps, she demonstrates what it means to make the most of on-court and off-court training time!
Anna Franey
Height: 5'4
Spike Touch: 8'3
Position: Setter
Hobbies: Exercise
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: "Practice like you've never won. Play like you've never lost" - Michael Jordan
Brand new to the sport, and brand new to the training program! It's going to be very exciting to watch the growth of this impressive athlete who is starting out with a tool box of court skills, while also developing mental and physical strength through a committed training regime! Quick on her feet and naturally athletic, Anna is gaining confidence in organizing her team tactically. A positive attitude and fiery work ethic go so far; but Anna is also extremely receptive to feedback, and continually seeks new learning opportunities - both in practices and in our matches. Her experience in the upcoming Provincial competitions are sure to enhance a rapidly-developing growth mindset. She is certainly a role model for anyone thinking about starting the sport, and is sure to make waves as she progresses through each opportunity for growth.
Skylar Regular
Height: 5'10
Spike Touch: 9'3
Position: Setter
Volleyball Teams: Amalgamated Jaguars, CBN Thunder, Ascension Collegiate Astros, Team NL
Other Sports: Basketball and Softball
Hobbies: Going to the gym, hanging with her sister.
Training Program Participation: Stage V
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: There are lots of obstacles we face growing up; stand up and overcome them. Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't get somewhere or be anything you want, because if you work hard enough you can do amazing things!
What do you get when you cross a dominant Middle Blocker with great hands, vocal leadership, incredible court awareness, and of course, a growth mindset? A Setter named Skylar Regular.
With a Summer of Team NL experience already under her belt, Skylar is finishing up her level 1 season ready to take her elite athleticism to the next level. Embracing the setting role on the footsteps of the competitive Club season, her confidence in the position is increasing with every match. Already owning the court like an experienced High School Senior; with two more years of growth ahead of her, the sky really is the limit for this incredible elite athlete!
Olivia Taylor
Height: 5'9
Spike Touch: 8'10
Position: Middle
Volleyball Teams: Carbonear Academy Lions, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Other Sports: Hockey, Soccer, Softball, Rowing, Basketball, Cross Country
Hobbies: Sports
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: To be a good player is more than just being good at the game. It's showing respect for your teammates, coaches, and refs. It's about being supportive, dedicated and focused.
Introducing another outstanding Carbonear Hockey player pushing to the elite level of Volleyball as well! Showing the potential to play any position, Olivia is developing a niche in the middle. With long-reaching arms, quick feet, and big blocking hands, she has the ability to dominate as a middle blocker. Being a goalie on the ice, she seems to have a solid understanding of what's needed to stop the opponents from scoring. We're very excited to have Olivia on board with the competitive portion of the season, and anticipate her contributing significantly to her team's growth and success. As volleyball builds in the Carbonear portion of our region, Olivia's efforts to balance training at the elite level of multiple sports will be an inspiration to teammates, and all youth with such lofty aspirations!
Katie Smith
Height: 5'9
Spike Touch: 9'2
Position: Middle
Volleyball Teams: St. Peter's Saints, CBN Thunder
Hobbies: Hanging with her friends.
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training and Jump Training
Advice for younger athletes: With time and effort you can get the goals you want to achieve!
Our first player profile of the 2022-2023 season is an incredible new addition to our High School Program! We are very fortunate to have Katie Smith on board, with her natural athleticism, long blocking arms, and consistent deep float serve. Demonstrating incredible coachability, Katie is making remarkable progress so far this Fall. As she adjusts her attack approach to keep pace with our efforts to promote a fast offense, especially from the middle, Katie is growing in skill level and confidence with each practice! Having already added 3 inches to her spike touch only halfway through her first training program, we are very excited to support and witness Katie's growth throughout the remainder of this season, and into her Grade 12 year.
Julia White
Height: 6'0
Spike Touch: 9'6
Position: Middle
Volleyball Teams: Holy Redeemer Rockets
Other Sports: Soccer, Basketball
Hobbies: Guitar
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: If you want success to come, you have to work hard to find it!
Big things are happening in the CBN area! With the highest spike touch in the history of our young program, Julia White is quickly becoming an impressive and entertaining athlete! Connecting with her setters in an increasingly fast and varied attack, she's not going to be easy to stop offensively. Her long and strong blocking arms are cutting off almost anything that tries to cross the net. But wait...this incredible young talent is also showing prowess in her passing and defensive abilities. She may even have a pair of setting hands yet! The biggest challenge Julia faces is finding a volume dial - she's tried to go through a couple walls already this season. She'll stop at nothing to keep the ball alive for her team. And in grade 8, she's just getting started!
Hannah Burt
Height: 5'9
Spike Touch: 8'5
Position: Left Side/Middle
Volleyball Teams: Baccalieu Predators
Other Sports: Soccer
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: Always keep motivated in your sport!
Demonstrating incredible versatility for an athlete of her age, Hannah Burt is comfortable in any position, as long as she’s attacking! Her high arm swing and long-reaching arms will be an asset to her game moving forward, whichever position(s) she settles into. Hannah’s ability and willingness to play multiple positions has already helped us incredibly, with the organization of our inter-squad matches. As she develops a deeper understanding of the technical and tactical aspects of court systems, this versatility will open doors for herself and her teams! Add a strong, deep float serve into the mix, and the recipe for success is taking shape! Managing to balance a busy schedule, and commuting from down the highway, Hannah has also recognized the value of off-court training to her growth as an athlete. We have been so fortunate to have Hannah’s high energy and positive personality joining us from “down da shore” this season!
Sophie Barnes
Height: 5'6
Spike Touch: 8'2
Position: Setter
Volleyball Teams: St. Francis Crusaders, CBN Thunder
Hobbies: Reading
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: The hard work and effort you put into trying to make yourself better, is much more powerful than natural talent. The work you put in will pay off in the long run. When people work really hard, the chances of results are higher than those who don't.
In most cases, the setting position seeks out athletes. When she started playing volleyball in grade 7, Sophie Barnes decided she was going to be a setter, and has not looked back since. Demonstrating a strong desire for improvement, and a willingness to put in the work to make that happen, Sophie continues to develop an understanding of court organization and offensive systems. As she gains confidence in her setting role, she is beginning to work with her setting teammates to fine-tune the program’s tactics.
Role models are essential for the growth of young athletes, and Sophie has to look no further than her sister Hailey, who has completed three stages of the training program, and was part of our first Nationals adventure last season.
Looking to follow in her sister’s footsteps by demonstrating first-hand the relationship between commitment and results, Sophie has grown incredibly since she started with our court sessions last year, when she attended her first provincial tournament and a road trip to Corner Brook.
Welcome to the training program, Sophie!
Ava Oliver
Height: 5'6
Spike Touch: 8'3
Position: Middle
Other Volleyball Teams: Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Memorable Volleyball Moments: NLVA Club Championships All-Star award, Winning Gold at Nationals, Experiencing Nationals and team bonding!
Hobbies: Reading, Spending time outside, Listening to music
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training and Jump Training
Advice for younger athletes: Don't ever give up, even if you think you aren't improving. Be patient with the process and work hard for what you want to achieve!
A huge part of Carbonear Collegiate's growing Volleyball culture, Ava is a model of consistency and hard work. She demonstrates a steady attack in the middle, a reliable and deep float serve, outstanding serve reception skills, and exceptional defense! In fact, despite her increasingly impactful presence in the front row, she is also used as a defensive replacement, clearly showing her willingness to embrace and master a number of potential roles. This will of course open doors for Ava as she makes her way into High School volleyball programs. In her training program, her commitment and dedication to improvement is a great sign of what it takes to get to the next level.
Always open to feedback and continual improvement, Ava's strongest attribute may be her positive energy and contribution to Team Chemistry, one of the most critical "intangibles" of team sports.
Riding the wave of a successful Spring, particularly at the Volleyball Canada Youth Nationals in Regina, we're very excited to see what the next couple of years have in store for this incredible athlete.
Brianna Parsons
Height: 5'9
Spike Touch: 8'7
Position: Middle
Other Volleyball Teams: Carbonear Academy Lions, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Hobbies: Hiking, Cooking, Hanging with Friends, Guitar
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: Take every opportunity when it comes to you!
As Carbonear's Volleyball Culture continues to grow, we are so excited to see so many athletes take their training efforts to the next level. Brianna joined us in the Winter session, and saw serious gains in her technical game, athleticism, and especially confidence! With long-reaching blocking arms, and a fast-developing understanding of the importance of middle offense, she is poised to make a serious impact this upcoming season. Her positive attitude and serious work ethic had quite the influence on our on- and off-court sessions this past year.
Brianna was one of the most committed participants of this past season's training program, setting her goals and getting right to work on improvement in each and every session. We look forward to seeing the results of Brianna's hard work in the competitive setting this season!
Skyler Vokey
Height: 5'4
Spike Touch: 8'2
Position: Middle
Other Volleyball Teams: Carbonear Academy Lions, Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Memorable Volleyball Moments: Once when playing in a tournament I got a right side attack when I normally hit middle! Only time I done that, and probably the last lol.
Other Sports: Dance
Hobbies: Volleyball, dance, hanging with friends, going for long drives and listening to music.
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: Don't give up when the going gets tough. Keep your head up and work hard!
Another member of the Carbonear contingent, Skyler had an impressive first year with our program. She spent the Fall portion of the season honing her skills and finding a niche in the middle position. Settling into that role, she was able to avail of some serious competition at the 15U Provincials in Corner Brook. With some steady attacking and a couple of great serving runs, Skyler's confidence grew substantially from the competition. As her passing and defensive skills progress along with her confidence, Skyler is showing signs of a true well-rounded athlete.
Experiencing the Training Program in the Winter portion of the season allowed Skyler to take her athleticism to the next level. Demonstrating exceptional commitment and determination to her mental and physical training, she showed first-hand the direct benefits of hard work. The 2023-2024 season holds a ton of promise for this positive, team-oriented athlete!
Hannah Butt
Height: 5'6
Spike Touch: 8'3
Position: Middle/Right Side
Other Volleyball Teams: Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Memorable Volleyball Moments: Going to Provincials, Team bonding, and also meeting loads of new people!
Other Sports: Dance
Hobbies: Reading, Painting, Listening to music.
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: Go into practice with a good mindset. Be willing to learn from your mistakes and don't ever get discouraged!
A model of versatility, Hannah is one of the more well-rounded athletes in the program. Primarily a middle blocker, she is typically the first to volunteer to fill the role of a different position. With consistent serve reception and a steady armswing, she is able to play effectively in any position. After an impressive competitive experience at the 15U Provincials in Corner Brook, Hannah finished the season with confidence, demonstrating clear signs of growth. Her dedicated off-court training in the Winter session transferred to serious on-court advantages down the stretch.
As the Carbonear system continues to grow, the individuals pushing this growth are very exciting to watch! As a group though, their positivity and camaraderie outshine all other traits. With character development at the forefront of our program, Hannah Butt is truly the epitome of sportsmanship. We look forward to feeding off Hannah's commitment and positive energy in the upcoming season!
Summer Coombs-McCarthy
Height: 5'3
Spike Touch: 8'2
Position: Left Side
Other Volleyball Teams: Holy Redeemer Rockets
Memorable Volleyball Moments: Team bonding, playing with new and old friends!
Other Sports: Soccer
Hobbies: Reading, Hanging out with friends.
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training and Circuit Training
Advice for younger athletes: Everything takes time, patience, and effort!
There's a little school in a corner of Conception Bay North that has some of the province's best-kept volleyball secrets. Look out when they all show up at Ascension Collegiate in the next few years! Summer is one of the most dedicated members of this Fall's training program. The only training session she has missed was the result of an injury from earlier in the day. While she's at sessions, she is fully committed to fine-tuning her footwork, while building strength, jump height, and skill! As a left side, Summer continues to develop some exceptional serve reception skills. She is demonstrating scrappy defense, and building a consistent attack from the left side! We were very fortunate to have Summer join us for the NLVA 14U Provincials in St. John's last season, where she and her teammates had some exceptional competition exposure! In line with our community development goals, Summer is one of the first to show up with her positive energy and enthusiasm, and has been a welcome supporter of our local community tournaments! We are very proud of Summer's progress and very much look forward to her future contributions in the program!
Zoe Whelan
Height: 5'5
Spike Touch: 8'8
Position: Left Side
Other Volleyball Teams: Carbonear Collegiate Sentinels
Memorable Volleyball Moments: Winning a Gold Medal at Nationals!
Hobbies: Watching Other Sports, Reading.
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Strength Training
Advice for younger athletes: Keep pushing yourself to see results. The results will show if you work hard enough, you just have to want it bad enough!
A key piece to Carbonear Collegiate's growing volleyball culture, Zoe is beginning to demonstrate exceptional leadership within the Sky program as well! Zoe is almost always the first one in the gym, volunteers to lead group stretches, and is always at the ready with a smile or a high five for a teammate. With a whip-like armswing, she has a very high ceiling offensively. Her serve reception and defense skills are continually developing the precision and consistency expected at the next level. Add a strong, deep float serve to the mix, and Zoe is ready to take off! In her off-court training, Zoe is committed to self-improvement, working tirelessly at fine-tuning her attack, increasing her jump, and improving her strength! She is also a fully-certified referee, which not only provides added insight to the understanding of the game, but gives her an opportunity to further develop her leadership. The next couple of years look bright for this highly-driven left-side!!!
Mallorie Hedd
Height: 5'7
Spike Touch: 8'9
Position: Middle
Memorable Volleyball Moments: My first Provincial Tournament
Hobbies: Singing, Painting, Sewing
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Jump Training
Advice for younger athletes: Always believe in yourself and keep trying because hard work pays off!
Demonstrating incredible commitment to her training program, Mallorie epitomizes the concept of getting out what you put in. When she arrives at training, she gets her mental training notes made, then digs right into her training regime. She pushes herself to complete each portion of the routine at each session. As a result, she's arguably one of the most improved athletes in the program this season! Wavering between left side and middle for the first portion of the season, she has settled in nicely to her role as a middle blocker. With long-reaching blocking arms and an increasingly aggressive attack, she's starting to set the tone for what the next level looks like. With a flat, deep float serve and an increasingly consistent passing platform, Mallorie has an impressive foundation heading into High School. Amidst her technical attributes however, Mallorie is one of the most team-oriented athletes in the program. Always supportive of her teammates, demonstrating gratitude and respect for her coaches, and arriving and leaving each session with a smile, her positive energy is perhaps her biggest contribution to the program! We're very much looking forward to Mallorie's continued contributions to the Sky Program!
Shawna Rowe
Height: 5'6
Spike Touch: 8'7
Position: Setter/Left Side/Middle
Memorable Volleyball Moments: First Provincial Tournament with U15!
Other Sports: Soccer, Sea Lions Swim Team
Hobbies: Playing Sports, Going to Hockey Games, Hanging out with Friends at the Park
Training Program Participation: Stage I
Favorite aspect of the training program: Circuit Training and Jump Training
Advice for younger athletes: Always try your best and never quit. Play as a team and support each other.
Introducing the next generation of the Sky High Performance Training Program! In grade 7, Shawna has embraced every opportunity to learn and grow in the sport, including participation in the 15U Provincials! A natural athlete, Shawna has started things off in the setting position, ensuring she gets a foundational understanding of court organization and tactics. Demonstrating a strong desire to put the ball through the floor, or the wall, or another person, it seems likely that she ends up in an attacking position! As she continues to learn and grow, through both her on-court practices and her off-court training, this young athlete is bound for an exceptional future in the sport! Welcome to the program Shawna! We can't wait to support your development in the years ahead!
Alley Dove
Height: 6'0
Spike Touch: 9'3
Position: Setter
Other Volleyball Teams: Carbonear Academy Lions
Memorable Volleyball Moments: Being brought up to play U16 at 13!
Hobbies: Reading, working out, hanging out with my friends
Training Program Participation: Stage II
Favorite aspect of the training program: Jump Training
Advice for younger athletes: Doubting yourself is Normal, letting it stop you is a choice! Never give up even when things get hard.
The future is bright with leaders like Alley Dove having their impact! As indicated in her words of wisdom, Alley is a natural leader who builds a love of the sport in everyone around her! In her off-court training, she's the first to put her head down and get to work., and she's learning the value of pushing to each next limit! Alley's leadership makes her well-suited for the setting position, and every week brings a new skill to her offensive repertoire. As Alley's confidence grows, we are already seeing experimentation with a varied offense, and the development of a dangerously consistent jump float. And blocking...well, who doesn't appreciate a 6'0 setter?